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Artemis sleeping with wolf Mother

My daughter fell in love with it. It is very beautiful.

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Mothe Bear Review

"Magic comes from what is inside you. It is part of you. You can't weave together a spell you don't believe in"  ~Jim Butcher

I won! 

After entering a competition a while back

To win a Mother Bear sculpture by Bell Pine Art Farm

At a time when my own lovingly nicknamed wolfhound "Bear" was poorly

Today I won!

On the morning I prepare to see Nahko (bear) in concert!

I won!

My beloved dog's health improving

From trusting my instinct, our connection, demanding a second opinion beyond the obvious

I won

A focal point of bear medicine upon my altar for daily ceremony

I won

The trust of following my inspirations to see an artist I have put off on three occasions!

I "one!"

A deeper connection

With myself

The Universe

Beyond synchronicity

To an underlying universal flow



By actually asking AND recieving!

This morning I can feel it all

Not just the pain of loss, determination, hope but the love

The release



Given over and through me to an energy far greater than myself

Pure essence


Directing me

I feel home in this skin

Grounded in my own willing submission

Shuffling the Tarot

Deciding to work with the Vision Quest deck

Aware of the connection in my heart

My Soul

To this energy

Yet also blocks in my ego

From fear of being cliche

Culturally inappropriate somehow

I randomly selected from behind the Three of Air, doubt

Tuning into the unknown image in my hands


No longer seeking


I heard "you don't have to fight or earn this, it's who you are"

Placing the card on my womb space as guided

My eyes filling with light


Tears filling them with compassion and beauty

Seeing my surroundings from this mothering, nurturing, creative space

I felt so many that had forgotten thier unique roles in the stories to be weaved

Based on perceptions

Lost to the magic of themselves

To thier own link to Pachamama

Me included

The card was integration or Temperance

Today open your own heart to the Great mother

Beyond your mind

Breath in that which you, she, are physically hoping to manifest

Unite with her Spirit

Form your own medicine wheel within you

Allow the changes needed to occur

In your own view of who you really are

May we all create such stories of beauty from the freedom of our innate skills

As we connect to the "won" in us all

In deepest munay (love)

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Belly Wisdom

I found this in March at The Crystal Wizard at Gleneden Beach on the Oregon Coast and purchased her to commemorate my 30th wedding anniversary.

I’ve been waiting years for a "crone" for my altar to show up. I call her happy accepting crone. That smile is what drew me in and how comfortable she is with her body.

After 2 decades of anorexia and going through the eating disorder program at Portland Adventist in 1992 and years of therapy & energy work......

She represents total acceptance of self. I’ll be 60 on June 12th & she is my gift at this time that I’ve realized that nature placed my first tattoos on my body with stretch marks from my babies. How fortunate I am to have my soft belly.

Thank you for your amazing soul centered work!!!!!!


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Belly Wisdom

She is perfect... love her smile & confidence in her body. Your work is amazing. Every piece I’ve order are more amazing in person.

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Hi, I just want to tell you that I find your work beautiful ! It's strong and ...touchant  in french), touching...? With regards, Fabienne

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An inspiring peace of Art. Thank you.

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Review: Family heirloom lost

In the early 90's my dad found one of these in the parking lot of a small marsh in Ohio. It was a mystery item that he kept on his desk for like 25 years. After a move it was lost. I was pretty heartbroken and talking about it with my siblings we all loved it. A group on Facebook had a post for another figure "fatherhood" that hit me like a ton if bricks because the style and color was so similar. I started searching through the comments until I found a link to this site. I saw my dad today and showed him the photo and he kinda teared up. He also misses it. It would say to the right person and right family these things can be very special. Now I know where to find them I will probably have everyone in the family a special Christmas gift. I am excited and might explore the other styles to personalize the gifts more. I cannot explain the joy it has brought me to see this face again.

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I'm also a Crone and I love this !!

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Love this piece!

so nice

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El toca mis tambores.

Simplemente la adoro. Es muy significativa para mi, es un regalito para mi novio quien es percusionista y está retirado de los escenarios hace algunos años, el quiere tocar nuevamente y no encuentra el camino para seguir el llamado de los tambores. Espero que este regalito haga germinar esa semilla que late en su corazón.

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El toca mis tambores.

Simplemente la adoro. Es muy significativa para mi, es un regalito para mi novio quien es percusionista y está retirado de los escenarios hace algunos años, el quiere tocar nuevamente y no encuentra el camino para seguir el llamado de los tambores. Espero que este regalito haga germinar esa semilla que late en su corazón.

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Release goddess

Just perfect. I absolutely love her.

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So grateful for this.

I bought this for my mom and step dad about two years ago and they have it on a shelf in their house showing it off for all to see. The hair on it actually kind of resembles them too which makes this gift 10000x better. Thank you so much for your incredible work!

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I love this

I purchased this many years ago and have been looking for other ones to purchase to share with dear friends. I am so glad to have found you! Your work is so lovely.

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I wanted to share with you how precious this gift was for me. It was given to me 25 years ago upon the birth of my daughter. I have given it to others for the same reason. I LOVE BELL PINE ART FARM!!xo

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Wonderful products!!!

I have ordered many of Bell Pine Art Farm sculptures for myself as well as for gifts. They are amazing and send such a wonderful message. Thanks so much for creating these beauties!!!

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Gathering hearts

This is BEAUTIFUL! Merci. Sophie

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Love <3

Dear Debbie, I find this piece lovely, splendid, divine... pick your adjective. It inspires me. There's a Hebrew expression, "Tikkun Olam" - which, literally translated, means repair the world. It means that we are all connected and, as human beings, we should live our lives in such way as to leave this world a better place than when we came into it. Thank you for your beautiful contributions, Debbie. Well done, you!

With Love, Emily

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Love Grandmother Turtle

Her energy is strong, she feels powerful in my hand. Beautiful artwork. I love Grandmother Turtle! Thank you for creating her. She's a powerful, magnificent being.

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Nonna Tartaruga

Grazie di cuore per questa meravigliosa creazione. Arrivata questa mattina assieme all albero della Natura. Ancora prima di aprire il pacchetto, tenendolo tra le mie mani, ho sentito solo una bella energia vibrare nel mio corpo commuovendomi. Felice di portarli con me giorno dopo giorno nella continua crescita personale. Grazie 

Grandmother Turtle

Heartfelt thanks for this wonderful creation. Arrived this morning together with the tree of Nature (New Growth). Even before opening the package, holding it in my hands, I felt only beautiful energy vibrating in my body, moving me. Happy to take them with me day after day in continuous personal growth. Thanks

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Beautiful 💖

Are you shipping? I love this sculpture I came across that and it called to me right away so I figure I write to you and see if you are shipping look forward to your reply in purchasing one of your beautiful sculptures your work is unbelievably beautiful and inspiring

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giveaway - Open Heart

Dear, I'm a Moon Mother from Brazil and found your Facebook post on giveaway of the Open Heart sculpture. I'd really like to have one, can you please send it to Brazil? Blessing in Purity and Grace!

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Absolutely beautiful

I didn't review/rate this when I first bought the sculptures so I am doing it now. Your artwork is AMAZING! I love every sculpture and if I could I'd buy you out! This particular sculpture I bought for my mom shortly after she gave birth and was breastfeeding. She, and I, absolutely love it. Amazing artwork and so much heart in every piece. Thank you so much.

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Impactful Sculpture

Years and years ago, long before I became a mother, I saw your sculpture in the Earth House in Orleans, Massachusetts. It left an impact on me. When my first baby was born during Covid, we never could establish breastfeeding as we faced so many challenges— lack of support, resources, and an array of reflux, and allergy challenges. With the support of a skilled lactation consultant, I am exclusively breastfeeding my second child and it has been such a gift. I truly cherish every feeding. A few weeks ago out of the clear blue, an image of your sculpture came to my mind. I reached out to the earth house via Instagram, and they sent me your information. It felt so fateful. Your art is impactful and important and I truly appreciate you crafting this for me. I will cherish it always.

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i LIVED IN Oregon....a long time ago when you all just started...i love your art...forever!

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Just purchased "Self Blessing" and "Release" at a healing fair. The pictures on this website do not give these sculptures the beauty that I see in my hands when I hold them. I’m now on the website and see several others I want to add to my collection. Thank you so much! Dawn

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Open Heart Portal

Wow! Such detail! Beautifully made! I'm very excited to give this as a gift! Thank you so much!

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Free Standing Radiant Health

This sculpture is beautiful. Perfect health shines through every cell of her body and reminds you to watch your own health.

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Radiant health

She is breathtaking. Love love love. I’m going to place essential oil that I made as an offering of radiant health for myself & the planet.

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