Night Vision Owl
(calming fear)
Owl Mama
Price: $36.00
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SKU: bp0039
Night Vision is about calming fear by looking at it from a safe place. A gentle way to to approach what scares you or talk to children about finding a safe place for those parts of us that aren't so brave. Comes with a removable baby owl. 3.25" tall.
Enclosed Card:
Owl Mother teaches her fledgling to pierce the darkness and reveal what is hidden. Shedding light on shadow deepens understanding and calms fear.

Night Vision Owl
It may be just me, but isn't there a way to make their eyes less frightening? ? I love owls, but they look to scared to me... I just came upon your works, and everything is absolutely gorgeous! I will definitely keep your things in mind for future gifts to family, friends, and me !! :)

i LIVED IN Oregon....a long time ago when you all just started...i love your art...forever!

AMAZING work, I love it!!