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Creating an account is for your convenience for faster checkout or starting a wishlist with no obligation to make a purchase. We will not store your credit card information or password and will not share your address, or send you mail.

Former Wholesale Customers: You can still log in to your account but we are no longer offering wholesale prices or terms. The prices you see are retail prices. I cherish all of you and thank you for spreading the love of the goddesses all these years. I hope we can stay connected!

Quantity Discounts: We understand the importance of supporting each other in world-saving consciousness-raising endeavors, and work together with groups, teachers, practitioners and individuals who are creating positive change in our world. As a gesture of support, we are open to offering small discounts on our products to those who fall within this category. 

If this sounds like you, please contact Debbie and mention how you envision our pieces being incorporated into your event or project. In your email, please provide information about yourself or organization, the event you are organizing, and how our pieces align with our shared visions.

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